Healthy and Safe Communities
Health and Human Services
Protecting our communities.
To build healthier and safer communities, we invest in supporting a community’s infrastructure. Our programs and partnerships are aligned around common goals of fighting hunger and human trafficking, improving healthcare and first responder capabilities, and ensuring safer roads. We track our progress against key indicators like increased food security, improved response time for first responders and fewer traffic accidents.
We start by addressing hunger. We support childhood and family hunger programs in both Houston and the rural areas where we operate. And when there’s not a program in an area where we operate, we bring partners together to start one.
We support life-saving research through our partnerships with the American Heart Association, and also provide grants for first responders to purchase much-needed equipment, training and technology.
Throughout our operating areas, we’re training members of the energy industry to assist local law enforcement in fighting human trafficking by teaching them the signs of human trafficking and how to report it. We’re also partnering with authorities and schools through the Energize for Safety Coalition to make roads safer in our Oklahoma operating areas.
These are just some of the ways we’re partnering to build healthier and safer communities. Explore more about our health and safety investments and partnerships below.
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Learn more about our social investments.
Our Community Partners
Through our more than a decade-long partnership with the American Heart Association (AHA) as the presenting sponsor of the Paul "Bear" Bryant Awards, we strive to tackle heart disease and stroke by raising millions of dollars for critical research and efforts such as training more than one million Houston-area adults and teenagers in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), automated external defibrillator (AED) use and basic life-saving skills.
We support Texas Gulf Coast families through the American Red Cross by installing free smoke alarms in at-risk communities and providing recovery assistance to families impacted by home fires and natural disasters.
Our investment provides kid-friendly, nonperishable and easy to eat meals and snacks for each weekend of the year to 50 students in Gonzales County.
Our support ensures children living with food insecurity have access to nutritious, child-friendly food through the Backpack program, Youth Summer Meals program and School Pantry program in Marathon Oil’s operating areas in North Dakota.
We support the Backpack Buddy program, which allows children to take home nonperishable and easily consumed nutrient-dense food and kid-friendly nutrition education items from school on Fridays.
Our support of the Food for Kids Match is used to leverage community donations in support of the Food for Kids Program, which provides chronically hungry children with the nutritious food they need today to help them thrive.
Our support established and provides the on-going resources needed for the Childhood Hunger Initiative in Eddy County, which provides food, including fresh fruits and vegetables, directly to any child and family in the Carlsbad Municipal School system through a monthly food distribution.
Our support established and provides on-going resources to a rural childhood hunger program in Karnes County by providing children with backpacks stocked with ingredients that are nutritious and easy to prepare, paired with Farm Fresh produce bags to help supplement food for food insecure families.
Our funds support Spindletop’s partnerships with Kid's Meals, providing meals to Houston’s at-risk children, and Crime Stoppers' Safe School Webinar Series.
We support TAT’s Empower Freedom program, which provides anti-trafficking training to companies across the energy industry through coalition builds, educational community events and company presentations.
We support United Way's annual Day of Caring, which brings together volunteers to complete projects for non-profits across Carlsbad.