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2023 Grant Winners

Karen Rueve

All 2023 Grant Winners

Karen Rueve, a special education teacher at Bryant Elementary, is a dedicated champion for her students, who face behavior and cognitive delays. With unwavering determination, Karen and her team have crafted a unique and individualized approach, creating specific goals and interventions tailored to each student's needs. Every day, she steps into the classroom with a heart full of hope and a mission to provide her students with the resources and tools they require to not just succeed but to thrive.

In her classroom, she doesn't just see challenges; she sees opportunities for growth and learning. She knows that every small achievement is a monumental victory, and her commitment to her students is boundless. Karen is a testament to the belief that with patience, love and personalized support, every child can reach their fullest potential, no matter the obstacles they face. Her unwavering dedication paints a brighter future for each of her students, instilling not just knowledge but a profound sense of self-worth and the belief that they can achieve greatness. Karen Rueve, the beacon of hope and determination, is transforming lives one day at a time.

Karen Rueve
Karen Rueve
Texas – Katy Independent School District
Bryant Elementary School